SPEC: 45041

Southwire® Machine Flex® CU 600/1000V PVC-Nylon Insulation TPE Gray Jacket. THHN

Type TC-ER Machine Tray Control Cable 600/1000 Volt Copper Conductors, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) with nylon layer Insulation Thermoplastic Elastomer Jacket, 90°C Dry 75°C Wet -40°C Cold Impact Identification Method 4

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Application & Features

Southwire’s Machine Flex® control tray cables 600/1000 Volt conform to NFPA 79 and are suited for use in wet and dry areas, conduits, ducts, troughs, trays, direct burial and where superior electrical properties are desired. These cables are capable of operating continuously at the conductor temperature not in excess of 75°C in wet locations and 90°C in dry locations, 130°C for emergency overload, and 150°C for short circuit conditions. For uses in Class I, II, Division 2 hazardous locations per NEC® Article 501 and 502. Constructions with 3 or more conductors are listed for exposed runs (TC-ER) per NEC® 336.10. Southwire’s machine tray cable is ideal for use in CNC machines, grinding, cutting, metal forming, buffing, bottling equipment, conveyors, processing & packaging equipment, assembly lines, control panels, food and beverage, oil sands, plant expansion, wind energy and data centers. Multiple approvals for multiple applications. Cable is rated for -40°C cold impact. Two conductor cables contain no green/yellow ground.


Select a set of products below for more information:
Cond. Size Conductor Number Cond. Strands Diameter Over Conductor (in) (cm) Inner Layer Thickness (mils) (mm) Outer Layer Thickness (mils) (mm) Approx. OD (in) (cm) Copper Weight (lbs/1000') (kgs/km) Approx. Weight (lbs/1000') (kgs/km) DC Resistance at 25C (ohms/1000') (ohms/km) AC Resistance at 75C (ohms/1000') (ohms/km) Min. Bend Radius (in) (cm) Allowable Ampacity Raceway 75C Allowable Ampacity Raceway 90C
More Options
18 AWG 18 AWG
2.0 2.0
16 16
0.044 0.11
20 0.51
45 1.14
0.266 0.68
10 15
35 52
8.613 12.82
1.0 2.54
- -
14 14
More Options
18 AWG 18 AWG
3.0 3.0
16 16
0.044 0.11
20 0.51
45 1.14
0.281 0.71
15 22
42 63
7.148 10.64
8.613 12.82
1.1 2.79
- -
14 14
More Options
18 AWG 18 AWG
4.0 4.0
16 16
0.044 0.11
20 0.51
45 1.14
0.306 0.78
20 30
54 80
7.148 10.64
8.613 12.82
1.2 3.05
- -
11 11
More Options
18 AWG 18 AWG
5.0 5.0
16 16
0.044 0.11
20 0.51
45 1.14
0.332 0.84
25 37
63 94
7.148 10.64
8.613 12.82
1.3 3.30
- -
11 11
More Options
18 AWG 18 AWG
7.0 7.0
16 16
0.044 0.11
20 0.51
45 1.14
0.358 0.91
35 52
79 118
7.148 10.64
8.613 12.82
1.4 3.56
- -
9 9
More Options
18 AWG 18 AWG
9.0 9.0
16 16
0.044 0.11
20 0.51
45 1.14
0.411 1.04
45 67
101 150
7.148 10.64
8.613 12.82
1.6 4.06
- -
9 9
More Options
18 AWG 18 AWG
12.0 12.0
16 16
0.044 0.11
20 0.51
45 1.14
0.456 1.16
60 89
128 190
7.148 10.64
8.613 12.82
1.8 4.57
- -
7 7
More Options
18 AWG 18 AWG
18.0 18.0
16 16
0.044 0.11
20 0.51
45 1.14
0.554 1.41
90 134
225 335
7.148 10.64
8.613 12.82
2.2 5.59
- -
7 7
More Options
18 AWG 18 AWG
19.0 19.0
16 16
0.044 0.11
20 0.51
45 1.14
0.560 1.42
95 141
200 298
7.148 10.64
8.613 12.82
2.2 5.59
- -
7 7
More Options
18 AWG 18 AWG
25.0 25.0
16 16
0.044 0.11
20 0.51
60 1.52
0.635 1.61
125 186
253 377
7.148 10.64
8.613 12.82
2.5 6.35
- -
6 6
More Options
16 AWG 16 AWG
2.0 2.0
26 26
0.059 0.15
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.294 0.75
16 24
45 67
4.487 6.68
5.406 8.05
1.1 2.79
- -
18 18
More Options
16 AWG 16 AWG
3.0 3.0
26 26
0.059 0.15
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.311 0.79
24 36
58 86
4.487 6.68
5.406 8.05
1.2 3.05
- -
18 18
More Options
16 AWG 16 AWG
4.0 4.0
26 26
0.059 0.15
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.339 0.86
32 48
71 106
4.487 6.68
5.406 8.05
1.3 3.30
- -
14 14
More Options
16 AWG 16 AWG
5.0 5.0
26 26
0.059 0.15
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.370 0.94
40 60
86 128
4.487 6.68
5.406 8.05
1.4 3.56
- -
14 14
More Options
16 AWG 16 AWG
7.0 7.0
26 26
0.059 0.15
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.400 1.02
56 83
107 159
4.487 6.68
5.406 8.05
1.6 4.06
- -
12 12
More Options
16 AWG 16 AWG
9.0 9.0
26 26
0.059 0.15
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.462 1.17
72 107
137 204
4.487 6.68
5.406 8.05
1.8 4.57
- -
12 12
More Options
16 AWG 16 AWG
12.0 12.0
26 26
0.059 0.15
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.509 1.29
97 144
174 259
4.487 6.68
5.406 8.05
2.0 5.08
- -
9 9
More Options
16 AWG 16 AWG
18.0 18.0
26 26
0.059 0.15
20 0.51
65 1.65
0.623 1.58
145 216
262 390
4.487 6.68
5.406 8.05
2.4 6.10
- -
9 9
More Options
16 AWG 16 AWG
19.0 19.0
26 26
0.059 0.15
20 0.51
65 1.65
0.630 1.60
154 229
272 405
4.487 6.68
5.406 8.05
2.5 6.35
- -
9 9
More Options
16 AWG 16 AWG
25.0 25.0
26 26
0.059 0.15
20 0.51
65 1.65
0.717 1.82
202 301
345 513
4.487 6.68
5.406 8.05
2.8 7.11
- -
8 8
More Options
16 AWG 16 AWG
4.0 4.0
26 26
0.059 0.15
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.339 0.86
32 48
71 106
4.487 6.68
5.406 8.05
1.3 3.30
- -
14 14
More Options
16 AWG 16 AWG
41.0 41.0
26 26
0.059 0.15
20 0.51
90 2.29
0.948 2.41
332 494
590 878
4.487 6.68
5.406 8.05
3.8 9.65
- -
6 6
More Options
14 AWG 14 AWG
2.0 2.0
41 41
0.073 0.19
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.324 0.82
25 37
58 86
2.814 4.19
3.391 5.05
1.2 3.05
20 20
25 25
More Options
14 AWG 14 AWG
3.0 3.0
41 41
0.073 0.19
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.342 0.87
38 57
77 115
2.814 4.19
3.391 5.05
1.3 3.30
20 20
25 25
More Options
14 AWG 14 AWG
4.0 4.0
41 41
0.073 0.19
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.375 0.95
51 76
96 143
2.814 4.19
3.391 5.05
1.5 3.81
16 16
20 20
More Options
14 AWG 14 AWG
5.0 5.0
41 41
0.073 0.19
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.411 1.04
63 94
114 170
2.814 4.19
3.391 5.05
1.6 4.06
16 16
20 20
More Options
14 AWG 14 AWG
7.0 7.0
41 41
0.073 0.19
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.445 1.13
89 132
149 222
2.814 4.19
3.391 5.05
1.7 4.32
14 14
17 17
More Options
14 AWG 14 AWG
9.0 9.0
41 41
0.073 0.19
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.516 1.31
115 171
188 280
2.814 4.19
3.391 5.05
2.0 5.08
14 14
17 17
More Options
14 AWG 14 AWG
12.0 12.0
41 41
0.073 0.19
20 0.51
65 1.65
0.608 1.54
153 228
257 382
2.814 4.19
3.391 5.05
2.4 6.10
10 10
12 12
More Options
14 AWG 14 AWG
18.0 18.0
41 41
0.073 0.19
20 0.51
65 1.65
0.697 1.77
230 342
363 540
2.814 4.19
3.391 5.05
2.7 6.86
10 10
12 12
More Options
14 AWG 14 AWG
25.0 25.0
41 41
0.073 0.19
20 0.51
65 1.65
0.806 2.05
318 473
486 723
2.814 4.19
3.391 5.05
3.2 8.13
9 9
11 11
More Options
12 AWG 12 AWG
2.0 2.0
65 65
0.094 0.24
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.362 0.92
40 60
80 119
1.774 2.64
2.137 3.18
1.4 3.56
25 25
30 30
More Options
12 AWG 12 AWG
3.0 3.0
65 65
0.094 0.24
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.389 0.99
60 89
108 161
1.774 2.64
2.137 3.18
1.5 3.81
25 25
30 30
More Options
12 AWG 12 AWG
4.0 4.0
65 65
0.094 0.24
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.420 1.07
81 121
136 202
1.774 2.64
2.137 3.18
1.6 4.06
20 20
24 24
More Options
12 AWG 12 AWG
5.0 5.0
65 65
0.094 0.24
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.502 1.28
101 150
170 253
1.774 2.64
2.137 3.18
2.0 5.08
20 20
24 24
More Options
12 AWG 12 AWG
7.0 7.0
65 65
0.094 0.24
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.502 1.28
141 210
219 326
1.774 2.64
2.137 3.18
2.0 5.08
17 17
21 21
More Options
10 AWG 10 AWG
2.0 2.0
105 105
0.117 0.30
25 0.64
50 1.27
0.430 1.09
64 95
119 177
1.111 1.65
1.339 1.99
1.7 4.32
35 35
40 40
More Options
10 AWG 10 AWG
3.0 3.0
105 105
0.117 0.30
25 0.64
50 1.27
0.462 1.17
97 144
159 237
1.111 1.65
1.339 1.99
1.8 4.57
35 35
40 40
More Options
10 AWG 10 AWG
4.0 4.0
105 105
0.117 0.30
25 0.64
50 1.27
0.502 1.28
129 192
201 299
1.111 1.65
1.339 1.99
2.0 5.08
28 28
32 32
More Options
10 AWG 10 AWG
5.0 5.0
105 105
0.117 0.30
25 0.64
50 1.27
0.579 1.47
161 240
291 433
1.111 1.65
1.339 1.99
2.3 5.84
28 28
32 32
More Options
10 AWG 10 AWG
7.0 7.0
105 105
0.117 0.30
25 0.64
65 1.65
0.628 1.60
226 336
336 500
1.111 1.65
1.339 1.99
2.5 6.35
24 24
28 28
More Options
3.0 3.0
168 168
0.153 0.39
35 0.89
65 1.65
0.626 1.59
157 234
314 467
0.715 1.06
0.861 1.28
2.5 6.35
50 50
55 55
More Options
4.0 4.0
168 168
0.153 0.39
35 0.89
65 1.65
0.680 1.73
210 313
361 537
0.715 1.06
0.861 1.28
2.7 6.86
40 40
44 44
More Options
3.0 3.0
259 259
0.198 0.50
35 0.89
70 1.78
0.725 1.84
268 399
440 655
0.450 0.67
0.541 0.81
2.9 7.37
65 65
75 75
More Options
4.0 4.0
259 259
0.198 0.50
35 0.89
70 1.78
0.817 2.08
358 533
562 836
0.450 0.67
0.541 0.81
3.2 8.13
52 52
60 60
More Options
3.0 3.0
420 420
0.235 0.60
50 1.27
80 2.03
0.889 2.26
399 594
649 966
0.282 0.42
0.340 0.51
3.5 8.89
85 85
95 95
More Options
4.0 4.0
420 420
0.235 0.60
50 1.27
80 2.03
0.969 2.46
532 792
829 1234
0.282 0.42
0.340 0.51
3.8 9.65
68 68
76 76
More Options
3.0 3.0
651 651
0.302 0.77
50 1.27
100 2.54
1.070 2.72
637 948
988 1470
0.179 0.27
0.216 0.32
5.3 13.46
115 115
130 130
More Options
4.0 4.0
651 651
0.302 0.77
50 1.27
100 2.54
1.196 3.04
849 1263
1262 1878
0.179 0.27
0.216 0.32
5.9 14.99
92 92
104 104
More Options
14 null 14 null
9.0 9.0
41 41
0.073 0.19
20 0.51
50 1.27
0.516 1.31
115 171
188 280
2.814 4.19
3.391 5.05
2.0 5.08
14 14
17 17

* Ampacities based upon 2023 NEC Table 310.16 and do not take into account the overcurrent protection limitations in NEC 240.4(D) of 15 Amps for 14 AWG CU, 20 Amps for 12 AWG CU, and 30 Amps for 10 AWG CU (independent of the conductor temperature rating and stranding if size is present in table). Also, see NEC sections 310.15 and 110.14(C) for additional requirements.
* Ampacities have been adjusted for more than Three Current-Carrying Conductors.
* Cond. Number includes the green ground except for 2/C stock numbers.
^ No Fillers

Standards & References

  • ASTM B172 Standard Specification for Rope-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors Having Bunch-Stranded Copper Conductors
  • ASTM B174 Standard Specification for Bunch-Stranded Copper
  • UL 13 Power-Limited Circuit Cables
  • UL 66 Fixture Wire Type TFFN (for sizes 18 and 16 AWG)
  • UL 83 Thermoplastic Insulated Wire and Cables (sizes 14 AWG to 1000 kcmil)
  • UL 758 AWM Style 2587
  • UL 1063 Machine Tool Wiring (MTW)
  • UL 1277 TC-ER
  • UL 1690 Data Processing Cable (DP-1)
  • UL 2250 Instrumentation Tray Cable
  • UL 2277 Type WTTC
  • CSA C22.2 No. 210 Appliance wiring material products I/II A/B (Sizes 16 - 8AWG)
  • CSA C22.2 No.230 Tray Cables - Rated TC
  • CSA C22.2 No. 239 Control and instrumentation cables
  • ICEA S-95-658 (NEMA WC70) Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy
  • IEEE 1202 FT4 Flame Test (70,000) BTU/hr Vertical Tray Test


  1. Conductor: Class K, Flexible stranded bare annealed copper per ASTM B3, B172, and B174
  2. Insulation: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) with nylon layer THHN
  3. Ground: One Green Ground with Yellow Stripe THHN
  4. Jacket: Sunlight Resistant Gray Thermoplastic Elastomer TPE: Other jacket colors available upon request


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