Apr 12, 2018
As homes and businesses increasingly become 'smarter' with energy saving lighting options, Southwire has expanded its SIMpull Solutions® line of products to offer a new innovation. The Romex® brand SIMpull® Control & Signal Cable combines the trusted name in residential building wire with low voltage wire to be used in dimmable LED lighting residential applications.
The Romex® brand SIMpull® Control & Signal Cable is a UL listed Class 2 cable for indoor use and designed for 0-10V dimming control of LED or fluorescent lighting in residential applications. Engineered with SIMpull® technology, Romex brand SIMpull® Control and Signal Cable is the safe, NEC compliant answer to your residential lighting control needs.The dimming signal input to the LED driver is typically supplied through a purple wire (+1oVDC) and a gray wire (Signal Common). The individual purple and gray conductors of the Romex® brand SIMpull® Control and Signal Cable match this color convention to ensure the polarity of control wiring is maintained throughout the lighting system for proper operation.Please note: Do not use this cable to make connections to 120V AC line voltage. AC power must be turned off before performing any wiring installation. Always install following the devices' manufacturer instructions in accordance with all local and national electrical code requirements.